

The world is changing fast, and these changes are a reflection of what is happening within all of us. This is the beginning of a revolution. The revolution is the evolution of consciousness and generously present in our technology, and requesting a similar presence in humanity. To participate in the revolution you feel and believe in yourself as the energy of change. This energy is you.

To be an evolving conscious human being you ask yourself to fully realize you are a SUSTAINABLE body of energy. You reference your power source by way of your ENERGY FIELD. Building an energy IDENTITY of BEING is the format and design.  You feel capable of the evolution and you support yourself consciously. This translates to thoughts, feelings, actions, and ultimately BEING.  Every moment is a reflection of this action actualized within your experience. This evolution is happening right now in present time, and this sustainable energy is within you.

Each day as YOUR WAY OF LIFE you make the effort to add more CONSCIOUSNESS in place of your unconscious and past time energy patterns. Past time energy patterns are behaviors that feel out of sync with your presence, and you suspect don’t contribute to your well-being and free will. You don’t FEEL positive about yourself or your behavior, and other people seem effortful for you to be around. Your energy is low and the future does not look bright. Unconscious past time energy is often fear based, sets limits on our power, and makes our perspectives about living conditional and restrictive.

Total honesty with yourself takes courage (Fourth chakra) and listening to your inner voice (Fifth chakra). Knowledge (Seventh chakra and the chakra below the feet) that your body, and entire life, is energy will impact our matter dominated universe. We “matter” to ourselves and to each other always. Matter is energy and this knowledge gives you the ability to witness yourself as an energy being — a complete and unique energy consciously self-realized. This seemingly simple awareness is the foundation to having a FLOW OF ENERGY in your life that is based on being conscious and not preprogrammed by pastime unconscious behavior patterns or a lack of renewable resourcefulness.

Take the time each and every moment, and ask yourself if you are experiencing a past time unconscious or present time conscious event. Awareness of this is a process of building a relationship with yourself as energy. There is no right or wrong way to do this exploration. Just by asking the question you shift the perception. Exploring your unconscious as a therapy is only part of the journey. Your unconscious energy is available as a usable energy source that you access through knowledge combined with feelings. You need unconscious energy as an ENERGY SOURCE but not a behavior model applied to your experience if it is defined by past time.

Making conscious aware choices, and not resigned to a past time unconscious autopilot, is the way we seek validation. Stop the maddening and relentless search into the unconscious and accepting what you have to work with is the new paradigm of conscious evolution and a revolutionary way to think and feel. When you understand that you are energy, you have a completely different experience of life on Earth.

When the identity of YOU was created it caused a separation. The ego or a false self is a part of the separation and  can be very unconscious and often in pastime. We all seek BEING connected to a feeling of wholeness.

This means that you start a process that redefines YOU with ideas that become a new reality. You start to feel a difference when you observe reality as a conscious being. Past time unconsciousness does not fit into a paradigm of wholeness.  You begin to build an identity of BEING that replaces action dominated DOING. The power asset of wholeness boosts conscious participation. BEING is the beginning of a process.  We take responsibility for this  process of conscious being that is a reflection we witness in our experience.

BEING comfortable with unconsciousness as a power source takes some getting used to and is not a condition of YOU.  Behavior adjustment may be necessary.  Adjustments that are a reflection as just BEING and not DOING. This is a challenge because you BEHAVE consciously by choices made in your experience. The ego driven YOU is redefined and a negotiation within the energy body builds a presence of BEING not dependent upon or supporting a false image perpetuated by past time unconsciousness driven by fear. You witness the connectedness that you have to all things, and this awareness is ENERGY  . . . You are that energy.

Your energy has FLOW. We experience dimensions simultaneously within our conscious energy, and as a physical body. Length, width, depth, space and time are a shared experience with ourselves and also with other people. Our ENERGY is witnessed as six distinct areas of FLOW that surround us and is a part of the physical body we unconsciously and consciously experience as NOW.

There is a present moment and a flow of space and time in front of you, behind you, to the left, the right, above, and below. These areas contain information about you, and are also a resource of power. The INFORMATION is about choices you make, will make, and don’t make. The POWER is found contained in the awareness of THE FLOW.

In the brain some of this becomes memory and it is selective, but in your energy it is ALL stored as potential. This energy is contained within you and stored like a battery. A battery of unlimited possibilities (choices you could make), as well as a battery of memory ( choices you made and did not make). This is all your energy and it is what composes you in the NOW. Learning how to access and reuse this energy is the challenge we are investigating individually and collectively.

This is the power source we all have within us. It is all there, the choices you make, as well as the choices you don’t make — it exists as a potential energy.  Stored energy exists in all forms of consciousness. It is also often referred to as abundance. It is a part of our conscious evolution to experience all of this energy and allow it to be a part of our well-being.

In a clairvoyant reading, all of your energy is visible and I view and share how you can experience your full potential. The service I offer is a reading of your life experience. I have been developing this ability my whole life, but in the past  thirty years I have begun to share this quality of life as a LIFESTYLE. This lifestyle manifests differently for each person, depending upon what got them here to this present moment.

A reading gives you information. Information can be about your conscious and unconscious. Information can be about the momentum of your energy as it is expanding rapidly making you more conscious and available.

Information can also be about past time unconscious energy that no longer serves you. Acceptance is the first step to waking up from the deep unconscious, acceptance that you have often been in past time and unconscious most of your life.

The conscious revolution of evolution asks you to go deeper into all the energy available, conscious and unconscious, and choose conscious in place of past time unconsciousness — a lifestyle created by making conscious choices within your experience that become A WAY OF LIFE.

The revolution of conscious evolution is the change that occurs from being unconscious and in past time to fully conscious, and in present time.

A super conscious being  is a reality process and destination of the revolution. Consciousness is a long time evolving process. Our current evolution is a challenge for power. As you embrace your revolution in evolution you bounce between conscious and unconscious as you develop the ability to grasp a full participation of your experience. This means we are co-experiencing a NOW composed of possibilities, and launching an invitation to ourselves and others to join in and enhance the experience we share on Earth.

We are directly aware of all the power within us. This power helps create us. This perception is about BEING  present in the experience and developing a non-action ability of make choices. A  non-action is who you ARE, now in present time. This momentum is “readable” as energy and matter and this information tells the story of you.

In a reading I read the front of the body as an energy that flows from left to right. Your front left is the future possibilities. Directly in front of you is this present moment and to your right is the past. Each ENERGY CENTER of the body interacts with this FLOW differently and when combined together you have an experience. Your energy flow contains unlimited energy. How to relate to unlimited energy is the task before us and the whole point of the revolution of conscious evolution. The front of the body is how I read the part of you that is fully conscious. I read this flow of energy.

This conscious area  is unique to you, and everyone has their own personal relationship to this energy flow, and experience. All the choices you make, as well as, the one’s you don’t exist in the past to your right. The mind has memory but only remembers certain choices and forgets the rest. Often what is not chosen or forgotten is “lost” as energy, but only if we perceive it in this way.

Awareness of ALL of your energy includes this “lost” energy and it has usable renewable power. The unlimited energy exists as potential and the only thing that keeps you from developing a relationship to it is blocks we hold in our energy field and told as stories. Stories that are often unconscious and in past time. The revolution in consciousness is making the effort to change these stories quickly and efficiently.

If you desire a renewable and unlimited SOURCE of power consider yourself. Looking outside yourself for power is a belief pattern of the unconscious in past time. This pattern if not locked into past time can link us to the mythology of our ancestors and energy lineage that is useful to us as we expand into the developing, superconscious. A super conscious being has a healthy unconscious resource.

Your present time perceptions instantaneously become a part of the outgoing energy FLOW that is traceable and defines the choices you make in your experience. Each energy center of the body is specifically tuned to your frequency. Any action or non-action can be tied to knowing, values, truth, trust, connection, power, control, feelings, pleasure, comfort and health all resonate within your flow. Vibration becomes apparent because you notice when a circumstance or situation is inviting, or not. Appropriate sexual contact and deep pleasure is located in every moment within the flow, relative to you and your ability to connect with the content of your story truthfully.

You are always receiving from the flow and giving to the flow; you are the flow. Your ability to have a presence within the flow is determined by how aware you are of your experience, and actualize a willingness to responsibly engage your energy centers.

The frequency you resonate into any event precludes any ramifications or implications that will have an effect upon your reality. By tuning in to the FEEL of YOUR ENERGY and where YOUR STORY fits into any story is self evident. Your diet, health, exercise habits, ability to validate others freely, and to feel appreciated for your own self-healing and change supports the knowledge you hold within yourself and the energy field that surrounds you.

THE WAY of LIFE  is the LIFESTYLE  that becomes YOUR ENERGY and YOUR STORY becomes THE EXPERIENCE. This can also be considered in reverse, THE EXPERIENCE  becomes YOUR STORY and YOUR ENERGY becomes THE LIFESTYLE, that is THE WAY OF LIFE. Energy flows in both directions.

The energy of the back of the body flows in the opposite direction as the front. It flows from the right as an unconscious future of possibilities to a present moment directly behind you to the past on the back left, as unconscious memory. It looks as if all of the unconscious or subconscious energy is to a large extent memory based. Even the unconscious future has already been experienced in one way or another. This gives the future time unconscious energy a pastime reference and can be conflicting to the flow within the unconscious.

This energy pool is an important and reliable source of power to draw upon, and it literally backs us up. What I have gathered from readings is almost all unconscious energy is released from the present moment  and is memory stored and unconsciously remembered. It is a lot like a database for the subconscious and connected to unconscious behavior.

The only reason the back of the body looks different than the front is energetically the back is DEEPLY PATTERNED, and looks like it runs on a loop with the past circulating around and becoming the unconscious future or subconscious. The unconscious is really only a problem if it is set in past time and or programed to compromise power and control. This is why it is difficult to change past time unconscious behavior to a conscious present time choice. We are creatures of habit and often default to an “if it’s not broken why fix it” mentality.

The energy flow of the front of the body and the energy flow of the back of the body collide into the event of your body as an experience. This collision is very powerful and has taken eons to evolve. NOW we are capable of grasping the full impact of this collision to embrace our energy and full power.. We are literally in the midst of a revolution of consciousness that surpasses our technological capabilities. The speed at which technology is now moving is exponential and we as conscious energy have matched that momentum. This is the new frontier of our destiny as consciously evolving human beings.

Fundamentally, everything in our universe is composed of matter or energy. You appear to be  conscious energy experiencing itself. This includes you, your entire life, and your conscious and unconscious energy flows. Our conscious evolution is reinventing us literally and my service is to this cause, and to the perpetuation of this evolution. My ability as a metaphysical clairvoyant intuitively offers you the insight of what’s happening to you right now, as well as, the circumstances that surround you.

Accessing your abilities and building that relationship within yourself is the ultimate goal of a reading, and a healing. Discovering that you have available energy within yourself is the power of the work we do together. Everyone is capable of full consciousness. Knowing and feeling that this is exponential growth will allow for a transition that is an action within your experience as well as a non-action of BEING also within the experience. Change is what is happening here on Earth. Being aware of meeting your conscious evolution is change. I also refer to this as a healing. A healing is often times associated with a color to help visualize it and build a relationship with change as energy.

Our brain can manage significantly more energy than what it currently does for us. We often feel overwhelmed and stressed out because of the past time unconscious limitations we accept. Affinity is necessary for sustainable innate power. The NEEDS for a fully engaged super conscious existence is supported by a body tuned to a lifestyle expressed by maximum care and love.

Unconscious past time fear based behaviors are our biggest challenge. Conscious fear is a part of who you are and a necessary moment of the flow. All feelings are a necessary part of the flow. It is conscious fear that tells us a change in perception is necessary. It is past time unconscious fear that perpetuates our separation from our source and sustainable power.

As you begin the exploration of yourself as energy you become aware of YOUR SPACE. The front of your body, the back of your body, and the SIDES of your body are all part of YOUR SPACE.

To your left side is where the conscious future flow of the front of the body mixes with the past time unconscious flow of the back of the body. This area flows from the future time front left, to the past time back left, and contains a present moment directly off to your left. This very important area is where our conscious meets our unconscious.

It is often a confrontation of opposites. Energy images or pictures found in this area are visible and readable. This is often the space where great change or healing is occurring as we make the leap to connect to ALL of your energy before it is forgotten or unavailable to us as useful healing energy. The left side of the body is where we replace past time unconscious energy patterns or behaviors with conscious future time possibilities. This energy is the food source of the SUPERCONSCIOUS BEING. A source of inspiration, pleasure, imagination, deep feelings, intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom..

Consciousness is what is happening to you all the time. The brain is a feedback system of signals received by our five basic senses, and is part of a contained system we exist in as reality. Consciousness is a part of this contained system and is the mind. Consciousness is also a part of a much larger source that is outside of containment and is experienced as the areas above and below the physical body, and the flow of energy  in the front and back of the body. Consciousness is relative to our multidimensional capability, and an expanded reality based paradigm.

Consciousness is what makes us different and why we are having an experience. Without consciousness there may not be THIS experience. We have evolved this far by being conscious, as well as, unconscious and we have free will. We are consciousness experiencing itself. It looks like we are at a point in our evolution where any past time unconsciousness is no longer a reliable sustainable option and we simply want more. To experience more we have to become more conscious and combine our assets allowing the unconscious to resonate with the conscious for a harmonious expression of an expanded experience. We are fine tuning ourselves with awareness of being.

Our currently existing state of affairs, reality, or status quo is experiencing disbelief. We do not know or feel how to meet the experience because we lack full power. Our disbelief is in the fundamental construct that builds reality. In our experience the feeling is fear and anxiety. In our beliefs the thought form is doubt, and uncertainty. The demand is very high and the power feels used up. Conflict seems inevitable as values change and we grow in numbers. Creating options and the ability to meet our challenge is our current growth period. We will heal and change and the world will become a different experience.

The brain often can not compute information efficiently and the result is stress, depression and anxiety. Our mind is powerful and is capable if our conscious expansion allows for us to meet our experience with all we ARE and ALL we have to offer. We experience past time unconscious obligations as energy drain and are unsure of how to re-energize our bodies. The convergence point is outside of the status quo and laser pinpointed on you, the source of all your experience.

In terms of the flow, the right side of the body is the opposite of the left. The flow is from the right back to the right front. This is also a very important area because it is where our unconscious meets our conscious. The interesting thing about this side is that as you release energy in the front of your body and to your right, you may have made a conscious choice, but at the last nano moment your pre-programed and often past time unconsciousness comes in and colors the choice and has a profound effect on that choice. It may even change it completely, so much so, that your conscious behavior is substituted with a past time and inappropriate unconscious behavior.

This may be a LESS desirable option but convenient. This happens ALL THE TIME with “good intentions” or “love and kindness”. It won’t happen or be your outcome of choice unless you have your entire energy system supporting you, and this requires a LIFESTYLE consideration to ensure your conscious actions be followed through and not sabotaged at the last moment by a familiar and “comfortable” past time unconscious negative energy pattern. An unconscious energy pattern that is stuck in past time is a huge supporter of the hideous disbelief we experience because we lack full power. This unconscious action perpetuates anxiety and fear adding fuel to the reality paradigm of conflict.

The right side of the body, much like the left, is where all the expansive action takes place. This is where our universe is growing bigger. We are reaching out into the fabric of our space time gathering momentum as we grow, replacing any inappropriate past time unconscious energy pattern with a refreshed and superconscious delivery of new ways to meet our experience in present time. We are and always have been a work in progress. We are now learning yet another progression and it is challenging.

Both sides of our body are LEARNING how to do this, gracefully teaching us how to proceed with the mission of conscious evolution. The revolution is in the changing of our BEHAVIOR so we can sustain our energy. Meeting the challenge of replacing past time unconscious behavior patterning with original conscious abilities is one aspect of this learning. We meet our experience with this intention.

The right side (like the left) contains its own flow of time and space.The unconscious future is to the back right and meets a present moment, off to your center right, and flows into your conscious past and right front.

To heal an inappropriate unconscious and past time energy patterns we have to teach ourselves how to BE that with conscious evolution. This flow of the unconscious into the conscious is crucial to the revolution within our being. Despite the consideration that the back right is the future of the unconscious, it is often crowded with programed past time unconsciousness  and plays on an energy loop that forces the past upon the future with fear based beliefs and feelings. The unconscious is supposed to back us up and not inter-FEAR with our conscious choices.

Releasing yourself from the past and any conditions or compromise to your unconscious energy is the healing or change we organically move towards as we met this present moment to our right side. This can be accomplished so that when we release energy from our conscious choice on our front right our unconscious that flows to the front right from the back right is a companion energy that supports this choice with a full backup of subconscious experiences. There is no conflict of interests. Conflict appears to be the result of a past time unconsciousness and fear based mind polluted with fear based feeling. This is often reflected in a reading as disease of the energy system. The cure is to increase your flow, expand and grow.

These areas to our left and to our right are the events and ramifications of the collision we identify as the BEING. You are the BIG BANG and your energy field is expanding as you consciously evolve. The more you participate with your flow and build an energy identity, the more the left and right sides of your energy field will expand. You literally are experiencing your energy expanding. This revolutionary way of perception is change and change is healing and you will be swept away by your own energy flow into an experience, an experience you are prepared to meet.

The area above our heads and below our feet are pools of energy that literally feed the energy grid we manifest on in present time. You can draw upon the energy from above your head and allow it to flow through the body and release out the feet. At the same time, and in present time, you can draw the energy from the pool of energy below the feet and through the body and release it out the top of your head. This is commonly referred to as running your energy. By doing this action you WILL FEEL THE ENERGY FLOWING, and it will have an effect upon your experience in present time. Building a relationship with your energy sources consciously will spark your evolution by gracing your physical body with the ability to tap into the energy pools above and below the feet allowing this power to feed your energy grid, and structure your trajectory of momentum. You are always in motion even when you are sitting still. This awareness accelerates the process of your experience.

The service I offer to our planet Earth and to you is the ability to read matter as energy from a neutral perspective. I can tell you this story by describing to you the energy images or pictures I see and where they are located when I look at your energy.  In present time your evolution is about experiencing yourself as conscious energy within the changing language of relationships. Energy is a relationship you have with yourself and offer to others. Clairvoyantly, I can see your most subtle energy, as well as, your most dense matter, and with complete confidentiality offer you change that is appropriate to your presence.

Relevance is found in change or healing. As our consciousness evolves our identities grow beyond our five senses, and our world experiences changes. This is our process as we ascend to super conscious beings. We exist as sustainable energy and don’t know it. This collective resource is for us to energize from and use at our disposal for our service and as an expression of our privilege. Dependency upon an outdated reality paradigm that enslaves us and disconnects us from our power and means is our choice.

We are conscious energy and have our own power source. We can generously share with each other by changing ourselves and rebooting our systems continuously. Only fear can contain this evolution of conscious awareness or block it from the experience we are here to grow and learn. Unconscious past time and pre-programed fear is very different than conscious and healthy fear. Learning to feel and understand the difference will release you from the past and support you as you face fear consciously and learn to accept unconscious fear and all unconsciousness as available useful energy. Unlock your energy from a prison of past time defined behavior that no longer serves you. Allow yourself to feel all your feelings as conscious action within the experience.

A reading will validate the energy of consciousness and gracefully offer healing to you by punctuating change and reinforcing that process. A reading looks at what is happening with you and your community in day-to-day life. We look for solutions to your challenges and map the energy of your body and your life. We are always evolving and survival of the consciously fit is about connecting, learning, and building awareness. Together we enter this opportunity of growth and healing. Any and all questions are welcomed and answered by me for you. It is with your permission that we explore where you are now, how you got here, and where you are going.

Join me and others as we embrace the conscious revolution in evolution of our time with deep appreciation. You can reference your experience by going to my WAY OF LIFE – Lifestyle page. This page helps you to know how you are an energy BEING. We discuss how your DIET is energy based. Learn the energy of transformation as it is expressed by EXERCISING. Feel VALIDATED for your changes or healing in yourself and in others. APPRECIATE the life flow of your energy in yourself and others.

Consider listening to and expressing your journey as a story, and as a conscious human energy being. There is adventure and fun in exploring your life’s images in a reading that compliment your experience with the colors of change.